We designed the app to be extremely simple, colorful and easy to use. A user can select a character from a list of cards. A stroke animation is shown to teach them how to write the alphabet. They can also listen to how the character is pronounced. Each character comes with an animation of an associated word that helps them understand the character better.

We designed the app to be extremely simple, colorful and easy to use. A user can select a character from a list of cards. A stroke animation is shown to teach them how to write the alphabet. They can also listen to how the character is pronounced. Each character comes with an animation of an associated word that helps them understand the character better.
The app's target demographic was children aged 5-12. With that knowledge, we designed an interface that corresponded to their cognitive and phyical abilities. The cards were sized up to hold attention. The illustrations were playful yet simple. It was designed entirely in-house.

Bornomala is an mobile app developed by Right Hemisphere to help young children learn Assamese and Bengali alphabets in a more interactive way.

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